Matrices – Basic Definitions

Matrices -- Free IIT JEE Video Lecture and PDF Download

Matrices is a very important chapter with regards to IIT JEE. This is because one question comes definitely from this topic every year at JEE Main. And you will also find that JEE Advanced asks really tricky questions from this topic.

It is important to understand the basics of matrices because your fundamentals should be super strong in order grasp the higher level concepts. In the video lecture, we will study the subtopics such as Row Matrix, Column Matrix, Square Matrix, Diagonal Matrix, Scalar Matrix, Identity Matrix etc.

Also, we will understand how many matrices could be formed with x number of elements using permutation and combination. This is a very helpful concept for exams.

Basic Definitions | Row Matrix | Diagonal Matrix | Scalar Matrix | Identity Matrix

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This video lecture has been prepared by Anup Gupta sir keeping and all the important basics of the chapter has been taught. You will find this really helpful for different examinations as it will give a boost to your score or percentile.

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