WBJEE 2020 Syllabus

WBJEE Syllabus 2020 – Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics

The board for West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (WBJEE) organizes the exam for admissions to various colleges in the state of West Bengal. The syllabus for WBJEE 2020 is also determined by the board. WBJEE 2020 will be conducted on 2nd February 2020.

Interesting facts on WBJEE 2020 syllabus

  • Every year, the questions are set from the curriculum of 11th and 12th standard classes from the West Bengal state board of higher education.
  • The syllabus has remained the same for the couple for years. Hence aspirants can look up to previous year’s question papers for a reference
  • Any change in the syllabus will be notified by the board.
  • The syllabus for WBJEE consists of three major portions: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry

Each of the following subsections briefs about the subject-wise important syllabus

Mathematics WBJEE Syllabus

AlgebraArithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression,Harmonic ProgressionDefinitions, the summation of finite and infinite series, the relation between the progressions
 LogarithmsDefinitions, types, change of base, properties
 Complex NumbersDefinitions, real and complex numbers, complex conjugate, complex number’s amplitude, properties, n-roots of complex numbers (square and cubic majorly), De Moiré’s theorem and its applications, complex number system quadratic equations and its solutions
 Polynomial EquationQuadratic equations with real and complex coefficients, the relation between roots and coefficients, nature of roots and coefficients, forming a quadratic equation, magnitude and sign of quadratic equations
 Permutation and CombinationPermutations with and without repetitions, basic properties, problems with permutation and combination
 Mathematical Induction PrincipleTheorems with statements, proof of theorem statements for a sum of squares, divisible properties, a sum of squares and cubed of natural numbers
 Binomial TheoremStatement and proof of the Binomial theorem, properties of binomial coefficients, equidistant and general terms
 MatricesM x N real matrices, Operations on matrices like addition, transpose, inverse and multiplication (scalar and matrix), determinant of matrices and its properties, adjoint and cofactor of a matrix, nonsingular matrix, solution of linear equations using matrix operations
 Set Theory, relations and mappingsDefinitions of sets, subsets, power sets, complement and union operations, intersection and difference of a set, Venn diagram, De Morgan’s law, Cartesian’s products, inclusion/exclusion criteria for finite sets
 Relations and its propertiesDefinitions of equivalence relations and their mappings, range, and domain, composition and inverse of mapping, injective, surjective and bijective mappings
Statistics and ProbabilityProbabilityDefinitions of probability, addition and multiplication rules, Bayes’ theorem, independence of events, repeated independent trails
 StatisticsThe measure of central tendency, and dispersion, definitions of mean, variance, frequency and standard deviation, Binomial distribution, hypothesis testing
TrigonometryFunctionsRules for addition and subtraction of angles, operations with multiple and submultiple angles, solving trigonometric equations
 TrianglesProperties and area inside a triangle, inverse trigonometric functions, and properties
Coordinate GeometryCoordinatesDistance and section formula, collinearity properties, polar and Cartesian coordinates and their relation with transformation, locus, and geometrical configuration
 LinesThe slope of lines angles between a line, perpendicular and parallel lines, the distance between lunes, angle bisector and intersection of lines
 CircleCenter and radius of a circle, equation of a circle, endpoints of diameter and its equation, tangent, chord and normal to a circle, parametric equations of a circle, equation of common chord
 ConesDefinitions, directrix, focus and eccentricity and classification, equation of parabola, ellipse, and hyperbola, their foci, directrices, eccentricities and equations
 DimensionsCosine and direction ratios, the distance between points and sections, equation of a plane, distance between a point and plane
CalculusDifferential CalculusConcepts of differential and difference equations, Domains, functions and range of functions, the inverse of a function, limit, continuity, derivatives and chain rule
 Rolle’s TheoremL’Hospital’s rule, Lagrange’s mean value theorem, geometric interpretation, and elementary application, second-order derivatives
 Integral CalculusThe reverse process of differential operations, indefinite integral, integration by parts, integration by substitution and partial functions
VectorsOperationsAddition, scalar multiplication. Dot and cross product, scalar triple product

Physics WBJEE Syllabus

MeasurementsUnits and DimensionsPhysical World, dimensions, analysis of dimensions, errors in measurements, significant figures
 KinematicsScalars and vectors, representation of vectors, dot and cross product with applications, time velocity, and graphs, equation of motion in uniform acceleration
 Laws of MotionNewton’s Law of Motion, inertia, conservation of linear and angular momentum, elastic and inelastic collision, centripetal force, velocity, projectile motion, circular motion
 Work, power, and energyDefinitions, work-energy theorem, work- done, constant and variable force, potential energy and kinetic energy, spring and energy, conservative and non-conservative forces
 MotionCenter of mass, connected systems, and frictions, torque, equilibrium, rigid bodies, moments of inertia, laws of friction
 GravitationKepler’s law, universal law of gravitation, acceleration due to gravity, gravitational potential energy, escape velocity, geostationary objects, orbital velocity
 MatterElasticity, Hooke’s law, Young’s Modulus, shear and rigidity modulus, Poisson ratio of elasticity, fluid pressure, surface tension, angle of contact, capillary rise, viscosity, Bernoulli’s theorem, heat and temperature, Newton’s law of cooling and Stefan’s law
ThermodynamicsThermal equilibrium, heat, and work, isothermal and adiabatic processes, reversible and irreversible processLaws and problems
WavesPeriodic MotionTime period, frequency, time-displacement theory, harmonic motion, resonance, longitudinal and transverse waves
 Sound wavesReflection of waves, harmonics and overtones, Doppler effect, superposition principle
ElectrostaticsProperties of electric chargesConservation of electric charges, Coulomb’s law, electric field and potential, distribution of charges, dipole, Gauss theorem, electric flux, capacitance
Current ElectricityElectric currentConductor, drift velocity, Ohm’s law, resistance, capacitance, Ohmic, and non-Ohmic conductors, carbon resistors, color codes, electric cells, Kirchhoff’s law of electric network
 Magnetic EffectConcept definition, dipoles, current loop, dipole moment, magnets, magnetic dipole, uniform magnetic field, solenoid, magnetic field lines, para-, dia-, and ferro- magnetic substances, electro magnets
 Electromagnetic inductionAlternating currents, Faraday’s Law, induced EMF, Lenz’s law, eddy currents, self and mutual induction, peak and RMS values, power in a circuit, wattles current
 Electromagnetic WavesCharacteristics of electromagnetic waves, transverse nature, electromagnetic spectrum, application of waves
OpticsRay OpticsReflection of light, mirrors, reflection and refractions, total internal reflection, newton’s relation, magnification, optical instruments, the human eye, image formation, microscopes and lens, magnifying powers
 Wave OpticsLight scattering, Raman effect, wavefront, Huygens’s principle, proof of laws of reflection and refractions, wave-particle dualism
Particle PhysicsAtomics PhysicsAlpha particle scattering, Rutherford’s atom model, Bohr model of hydrogen atom energy, hydrogen spectrum, X-rays
 Nuclear PhysicsNucleus, atomics masses, isotopes and isotones, radioactive decay, mass-energy relation, binding energy
Solid-State ElectronicsI-V characteristicsEnergy bands, insulators and semiconductors, diodes, rectifiers, LED, Zener diodes, oscillators, logic gates

Chemistry WBJEE Syllabus

Atoms and MoleculesAtomic StructureAtomic mass, molecule mass, valency, gram atomic weight, chemical formulae, chemically balanced equations, Dalton’s atomic theory, Gay Loussac’s law, Avogadro’s theorem
 Nuclear ChemistryElectron, proton, neutron, atomic number, Rutherford’s model. Bohr’s model, Sommerfeld’s modification, the exclusion principle, de Broglie’s relationship, atomic orbitals
 RadioactivityArtificial transmutation, radioactive decay, half-life, and average life, nuclear fusion, and fission reaction
 Periodic TablePeriodic laws, types of elements, transition, affinity, and electronegativity, diagonal relationships
 Chemical BondingValence electrons, Octet rule, Faja’s Rule, bond polarity, orbital energy diagrams
 Coordination CompoundsSalts, Werner’s theory, nomenclature, color and magnetic properties with shapes
State of CompoundSolid StateMolecular, ionic, covalent and metallic solids, classification, binding forces, packing efficiency, band theory
 Liquid StatePressure, viscosity, surface tension
 Gaseous StateProperties of gases, Boyle’s law, Charles’s law, kinetic theory of gases, van der Waals equation, Dalton’s law of partial pressure
 Chemical EnergeticsEnergy principle, chemical Equilibria, chemical dynamics, order and molecularity
Physical ChemistryColloidal SolutionsHydrophobic and hydrophilic colloids, Brownian motions, Tyndall effect, electrolytic solutions
 EquilibriaIonic and redox equilibria, acid base titrations
 HydrogenProperties, uses, position in periodic table, occurrences, isotopes, preparation of hydrogen compounds
 Non-metallic CompoundsCarbon, oxygen and Sulphur, halogens
 MetalsGeneral principles of metallurgy, electroplating, anodizing and galvanizing, steels and alloy manufacturing
 Lanthanoids and ActinoidsOxidation states, reactivity, contraction and consequences
PolymersNatural and synthetic polymersDefinition, manufacturing, chemical structure, biodegradable and non-degradable classification
Alcohols and compoundsAlkanes and alkynesDefinitions, reactivity, properties, chemical formulae
 Haloalkenes and HaloarenesDefinitions, reactivity, properties, chemical formulae
 Aromatic CompoundsDefinitions, reactivity, properties, chemical formulae
Industrial ChemistryApplications in IndustriesBiomolecules, qualitative analysis, detection principle
  • Any further information and doubts apart from this syllabus of WBJEE 2020 pdf, regarding the WBJEE syllabus can be looked upon on the official website – https://wbjeeb.nic.in/wbjeecms/public/home.aspx.

Important books for WBJEE 2020

Sometimes, rather than concentrating on a prescribed book, other books can also be useful in learning shortcuts and tricks. Some of the subject-wise books are given below


  • NCERT textbooks of classes 11 and 12
  • R.S. Aggarwal books on mathematics
  • R.D. Sharma books on objective mathematics


  • NCERT textbooks of classes 11 and 12
  • H.C. Verma books on the concept of physics
  • D.C. Pandey books on understanding physics series


  • NCERT textbooks of classes 11 and 12
  • O.P. Tandon’s physical chemistry
  • O.P. Tandon’s concepts of organic chemistry

Aspirants covering the syllabus completely will definitely taste the success while others may lose the course of their choice by a whisker. Hence, sharpen the preparations based on the information given in WBJEE syllabus 2020 pdf.

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